1: 1. Impatiens 2. Salvia 3. Fuchsia

2: 4. Bee Balm 5. Penstemon 6. Lantana

3: 7. Agastache 8. Trumpet Vine 9. Columbine

4: 10. Cardinal Flower 11. Yucca 12. Red Hot Poker

5: 13. Petunia 14. Lupine 15. Butterfly Bush

6: 16. Zinnia 17. Shrimp Plant 18. Texas Sage

7: 19. Honeysuckle 20. Bleeding Heart 21. Four O'Clock

8: 22. Hummingbird Mint 23. Scarlet Sage 24. Crocosmia

9: 25. Jasmine 26. Bougainvillea 27. Cape Honeysuckle These beautiful flowers and plants will attract hummingbirds to your garden with their vibrant colors and sweet nectar.