1: Enhance Jiffy Cornbread by adding corn kernels for extra texture and flavor.

2: Mix in shredded cheddar cheese to take your Jiffy Cornbread to the next level.

3: Try adding diced jalapeños for a spicy kick in your Jiffy Cornbread.

4: Swirl in some honey for a touch of sweetness in your Jiffy Cornbread.

5: Incorporate sour cream for a rich and moist Jiffy Cornbread.

6: Upgrade your Jiffy Cornbread by adding bacon bits for a savory twist.

7: Experiment with different mix-ins like green onions or diced bell peppers for a unique flavor profile.

8: Top your Jiffy Cornbread with a drizzle of melted butter for a decadent finish.

9: Get creative with your Jiffy Cornbread by mixing in herbs like rosemary or chives for a fresh, aromatic taste.